UP Labour Registration Apply Online Labour Card

UP Labour Registration: Apply for Labour Card Mazdoor Registration



UP Labour Registration has become Easier now Uttar Pradesh government has prepared a portal to do online UP Labour Registration, from here you can register laborers from your mobile laptop or computer, all the information about UP Labour Registration is given below, such as your labor.  How to register UP Labour Registration What are the documents required to do labor registration and all other information, for complete information, go to the official website UP Mazdoor Registration Department of Uttar Pradesh and see the information.

e Shram Card Registration

DepartmentLabour Department, UP
Registration ModeOnline
Who Can RegisterUP Labourer’s
StateUttar Pradesh
Last DateNo Last Date
आंगनवाड़ी  नौकरी आवेदनप्रवासी मजदूर पंजीकरण 

Important Document for UP Labour Registration


Before making Uttar Pradesh labor registration, make sure that you have the following documents like for identification

  • Photograph
  • Aadhaar card, Identity Card, Ration Card, or any Other Identity on Which your Photograph and your ID
  • Pan Card
  • Bank Passbook and other Documents that You may be Asked for while doing online

How to Apply for Labour Card UP

मजदूर रजिस्ट्रेशन करना बहुत ही आसान है नीचे आपको वह सभी तरीके बताए गए हैं जिस तरह से आप उत्तर प्रदेश मजबूर रजिस्ट्रेशन कर सकते हैं

labour Registration

  1. Go to this  ”www.uplabour.gov.in’‘ website first
  2. This is the website of the Uttar Pradesh Labor Department, whose portal will open if you want to know about it in Hindi, then click on Hindi on the right side.
  3. Now you have to click on the ”Online Registration and Renewal” button on the right side to do labor registration.
  4. After that, the website of the ”Labor Act Management System” will Open here, you can also choose your Preferred Language.
  5. Read all the Guidelines related to Registration thoroughly
  6. First, create your user ID and password, then click on the login button.
  7. To use any kind of facility on this portal for laborers registration, you have to click on the registration button
  8. After that, click on the new registration button, your new application will appear.
  9. Enter Login Id And Password
  10. First select the Uttar Pradesh Shops and Commercial Establishment Act, 1962 in “Select Act” and click on Registration.
  11. Now Read the given Instructions and tick the “I have read all instructions carefully” and Click on the I AGREE with Button
  12. आवेदन को पूरी तरह से भरने के बाद आवेदन का फीस जमा करें
  13. आपका पंजीकरण प्रमाण पत्र स्वतः  वेबसाइट से निर्गत हो जाएगा
  14. अब इसे आप प्रिंटआउट करके प्रमाण पत्र प्राप्त कर सकते हैं
Apply OnlineClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here

दोस्तों आज का लेख आपको कैसा लगा हमें जरूर बताइएगा, और इस पोस्ट को अपने दोस्तों सोशल मीडिया ग्रुप में जरूर शेयर कर दीजिएगा, ताकि दूसरे लोगों तक भी यह मदद पहुंचे और अगर वह भी इस चीज का तलाश कर रहे होंगे तो वह आसानी से मजदूर रजिस्ट्रेशन कैसे करना है जान पाएंगे